In Body Fat Test News

Hydrostatic testing is easy and reliable. Maybe not as speedy as an InBody, but we bring the education and experience to review your results with you.

Have you done an InBody test before? I have, and was really underwhelmed. It was at a chain nutrition store; I asked the clerk about the test; she said “It’s in the corner. The instructions are on the wall. Let me know if the printer is out of paper.” Unfortunately, that’s the typical experience. You’re left to interpret the results on your own.

Where do I get knowledge to discuss your testing results?

  • From 10 years of experience in CrossFit, both as a member and as a CF-L1 certified instructor
  • From 15 years of experience in martial arts, again both as a student and nearly 10 years as a instructor

My knowledge base includes not only the “how” for movement and nutrition but the “why” as well. Book a session and let’s have a discussion about your health.

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